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Consent Mode v2

Consent Mode v2

General information

Consent Mode v2 represents a significant update to how websites can manage user consent and data collection in compliance with privacy regulations. This page provides an in-depth guide on understanding, implementing, and leveraging Consent Mode v2 within the CookieHub platform.

What is Consent Mode v2?

Consent Mode v2 is Google's latest framework designed to help website owners respect user consent for cookies and data collection while optimizing the functionality of Google services, like Google Analytics and Google Ads, based on consent status. It introduces more granular control over data collection practices, allowing for better alignment with global privacy regulations.

Do I Need to Implement Consent Mode v2?

If your website uses Google services (such as Analytics or Ads) and you are subject to GDPR or similar privacy regulations, implementing Consent Mode v2 is highly recommended. It ensures that your site remains compliant by only collecting user data based on their consent preferences.

How Does Consent Mode v2 Differ From the Previous Version?

Consent Mode v2 introduces significant enhancements over its predecessor by adding more nuanced consent types, allowing website owners to align more closely with user preferences and legal requirements for data privacy. The key differences lie in the consent types available for configuration:

New Consent Types in Consent Mode v2

  • ad_user_data: This new consent type allows websites to control the collection of user data for advertising purposes more granularly. It ensures that data collection practices for ads can be fine-tuned to match user consent, offering a clearer distinction between general data collection and data collection specifically intended for advertising.

  • ad_personalization: Another addition, ad_personalization, enables websites to specifically manage consent for personalized advertising. This consent type addresses the user's preference regarding the personalization of ads based on their behavior and browsing history.

Consent Types Previously Available:

Before the introduction of Consent Mode v2, the available consent types primarily focused on broader categories of data collection and usage, including:

  • security_storage: Consent for storage or access that is strictly necessary for legitimate security purposes.

  • functionality_storage: This consent type covered the use of storage for functionality that is directly requested by the user or necessary for the communication over an electronic communications network.

  • personalization_storage: Related to the storage of information or access to information for personalization purposes.

  • analytics_storage: Consent related to the storage of information or access to information that is already stored on a user's device, specifically for analytics purposes.

  • ad_storage: Managed consent for the storage or access of information on a user's device for advertising purposes. This consent type has been a cornerstone for managing advertising data in a privacy-compliant manner.

The introduction of "ad_user_data" and "ad_personalization" in Consent Mode v2 provides website owners with the ability to more precisely manage consent settings related to advertising activities, thereby enhancing compliance with privacy regulations like GDPR. These new consent types reflect a shift towards giving end-users more control over their personal data and how it's used for advertising, ensuring that consent mechanisms are both transparent and tailored to individual preferences.

CookieHub and Consent Mode v2

While Consent Mode v2 offers enhanced options for granular consent management, CookieHub maintains a streamlined approach for user experience by providing a single checkbox for users to opt-in to marketing cookies. This decision supports both backward compatibility and simplicity in managing user consent.

It's important to note that there will be no significant changes to the interface presented to end users, with one exception: the default description text for the marketing consent category has been updated. This revision ensures alignment with the requirements set forth by Google's EU User Consent Policy, enhancing clarity and compliance without complicating the consent process for users.

How to Activate?

To utilize Consent Mode v2 with CookieHub, ensure your platform is updated to version 2.7 or later. This version includes support for the new consent signals and integration capabilities with Google services.

With Google Tag Manager

For domains utilizing CookieHub version 2.7 or newer, Consent Mode v2 is automatically enabled within the Google Tag Manager (GTM) template provided by CookieHub. If your domain was initially set up with an earlier version of the CookieHub GTM template, it's essential to upgrade to the latest version to take full advantage of Consent Mode v2's features.

To upgrade your template and ensure your domain benefits from the latest privacy and consent management capabilities, follow our detailed GTM installation instructions. These instructions will guide you through the process of updating your CookieHub template within GTM, ensuring your setup is current and compliant.

Google Tag Manager installation instructions.

Without Google Tag Manager

If you're not using Google Tag Manager (GTM) to integrate CookieHub, you can still enable Consent Mode v2 through the CookieHub dashboard by following these steps:

  1. Access Your Domain Settings: Log in to your CookieHub dashboard and select the domain you wish to configure.
  2. Navigate to Settings: Go to the Settings tab within the domain's dashboard.
  3. Enable Google Consent Mode (GCM): Locate the Google Consent Mode (GCM) option and check it to activate Consent Mode for your domain. This setting enables Consent Mode v2 by default for domains on CookieHub version 2.7 or later, while domains using earlier versions of CookieHub will activate the previous version of Consent Mode.

Checking Consent Mode Signals

To ensure your website's data collection practices are fully compliant and respecting user privacy, it's crucial to correctly implement and verify Consent Mode signals.

Discover how to check Consent Mode signals.